Paysafe Results Presentation Deck slide image

Paysafe Results Presentation Deck

Integrated Processing segment Paysafe: Pay Later- ● ● ● Volume ($bn) $17.1 $16.8 Q2 2020 +54% $26.4 Q2 2021 +57% Ex. PL Pay Later take rate Revenue ($m) $178.4 $169.6 Q2 2020 1.0% +7% +13% Ex. PL $191.2 Q2 2021 0.7% Pay Later Adj. EBITDA ($m) $52.0 $50.3 Q2 2020 margin 29.2% -12% Q2 prior year included Pay Later (divested Oct 2020): volume $335m, revenue $8.8m and Adj. EBITDA $1.7m Excluding Direct Marketing and Pay Later, Revenue and Adj. EBITDA would have increased ~28% and ~36%, respectively (see next slide) -9% Ex. PL $45.8 Robust volume growth across U.S. and Europe underpinned by continued economic improvement Solid revenue growth across integrated eCommerce verticals (iGaming, specialized eComm, and ISV) Take rate compression reflects mix - lower volume from Direct Marketing (high take rate) and strong volume growth in ISO and ISV channels (lower take rate) Q2 2021 23.9% 17
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