Klarna Investor Presentation Deck
Income statement.
Amounts in SEKm
Total net operating income
Total operating expenses before credit losses
Operating profit before credit losses, net
Credit losses, net
Credit losses, net (excl. additional reserve)
Operating profit
Net profit for the year
Numbers may not sum due to rounding.
The information is presented for Klarna Bank AB (publ).
Jan-Dec 2020
Jan-Dec 2019
■ Merchant revenue (recognized in commission income)
increased by 57% as we continued to drive sales for and add
value to our partners.
■ Interest income grew by 17% YoY to SEK 3,265m, driven by
the Financing product in the Nordics and DACH while we see
an accelerating consumer demand for our interest free
payments offering across all markets.
■ Growth in commission income was driven by increased sales
volumes and higher consumer activity across all markets but
especially in the US and UK market.
■ Total net operating income growth of 40% to SEK 10bn,
driven primarily by growth in net interest income of 10% and
growth in commission income of 47%.
■ Total operating expenses before credit losses grew by 43%
YOY. We remain committed to further investing in expanding
and enhancing our consumer-friendly product offering as
well as in top talent and increased brand awareness, with a
focus on the US, UK and continued market expansion.
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