Celsius Network Market Presentation Deck slide image

Celsius Network Market Presentation Deck

Cyber Security Securing our clients, the company and the sector Our Security Operations Center (SOC) follows an integrated, proactive security defense framework and is operational 24/7, keeping assets and data safe. Based on the following cyber security framework - built like the banks, and more: 9 Security Governance World class security personnel, ongoing risk assessment, threat mapping & auditing Defense & Protection Strong access controls, secure development lifecycle, advanced data protection & crypto protocols (MPC) & Situational Awareness & Intel Cyber threat intelligence, community collaborations, bug bounty, thought leadership, training & awareness D Detection & Monitoring 24/7 security operations center, immutable audit trail, backups & data retention 周 Business Continuity Incident response plans, drills & teams, Business continuity & disaster recovery controls C Celsius 9
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