Liberty Global Results Presentation Deck slide image

Liberty Global Results Presentation Deck

VMO2 JV RECONCILIATIONS - ADJ EBITDA LESS P&E ADDITIONS The following table provides reconciliations from VMO2 JV US GAAP Adj EBITDA to IFRS rebased Adj EBITDA and Adj EBITDA less P&E Additions for the indicated periods: Adjusted EBITDA: US GAAP Adjusted EBITDA. Rebase Adjustments (a). US GAAP Rebased Adjusted EBITDA.. US GAAP/IFRS Adjustments (b). IFRS Rebased Adjusted EBITDA. Property & Equipment Additions: US GAAP Property & Equipment Additions.. Rebase Adjustments (a). US GAAP Rebased Property & Equipment Additions.. US GAAP/IFRS Adjustments (b)....... IFRS Rebased Property & Equipment Additions... Adjusted EBITDA less P&E Additions: US GAAP Adjusted EBITDA less P&E Additions. Rebase Adjustments (a). US GAAP Rebased Adjusted EBITDA less P&E Additions. US GAAP/IFRS Adjustments (b). IFRS Rebased Adjusted EBITDA less P&E Additions.. $ $ $ $ Three months ended June 30, 2023 2022 1,138.8 1.9 1,140.7 108.7 1,249.4 670.8 670.8 53.3 724.1 $ $ $ $ 468.0 1.9 469.9 55.4 525.3 $ S in millions 1,059.4 7.8 1,067.2 152.3 1,219.5 689.3 (147.7) 541.6 46.0 587.6 370.1 155.5 525.6 106.3 631.9 $ $ $ Ś $ Six months ended June 30, 2023 2022 2,164.7 3.9 2,168.6 210.5 2,379.1 1,261.4 1,261.4 112.4 1,373.8 $ $ $ $ 903.3 S 3.9 907.2 98.1 1,005.3 $ 2,454.7 (229.0) 2,225.7 243.9 2,469.6 1,348.6 (257.3) 1,091.3 109.0 1,200.3 1,106.1 28.3 1,134.4 134.9 1,269.3 (a) Adjusted EBITDA rebase adjustments relate to (i) for the 2022 YTD period, the exclusion of certain handset securitization transactions in Q1 2022 of approximately $233 million related to restructuring of the legacy 02 securitization structure, (ii) for 2022, the VM02 JV's construction agreement with the nexfibre JV of approximately $18 million and $31 million, respectively, and (iii) certain transaction adjustments made to reflect the VMO2 JV's new basis of accounting, which reverse the effect of the write-off of deferred commissions, install costs and deferred revenue. (b) US GAAP/IFRS differences primarily relate to (i) the VM02 JV's investment in CTIL and (ii) leases. (c) P&E additions rebase adjustments for 2022 relate to the VM02 JV's construction aggrement with the nexfibre JV of approximately $148 million and $257 million, respectively. 35 (8)
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