Malayan Banking Berhad Financial Analysis slide image

Malayan Banking Berhad Financial Analysis

Note: Segmental Performance of Businesses: FY2022 (2/2) Net Fund Based Income RM million +8.4% 19,089 20,685 Total Non-Interest Income +9.0% RM million 6,930 6,359 Total +18.9% 12,915 +3.3% 10,866 5,703 5,891 Group Community Financial Services Group Global Banking FY2021: 6,011 +3.4% FY2022: 6,217 +5.6% 306 323 +22.8% 2 3 ■FY2021 ■FY2022 +9.1% 1,376 1,502 Group Corporate Banking Group Investment Banking Group Asset Management & Global Markets Group Insurance & Takaful Group Global Banking FY2021: 3,836 +4.2% FY2022: 3,999 +8.4% +22.6% (30.3)% 3,187 3,454 3,028 2,470 1,248 870 (14.5)% ■FY2021 FY2022 (76.2)% 532 117 100 126 Group Community Financial Services Group Corporate Banking Group Investment Banking Group Asset Management & Global Markets Group Insurance & Takaful Net fund based income includes "Head Office & Others" income of RM836.5 million for FY2021 and RM51.3 million for FY2022 Non-interest income includes "Head Office & Others" expenditure of RM1, 195.4 million for FY2021 and RM649.1 million for FY2022 25 25
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