Third Quarter 2022 Results
IPS - Wealth & Asset Management¹ - 3Q22
Good resilience of business activity on the whole
Wealth Management
Good net asset inflows, especially in Commercial & Personal Banking
(particularly in France) and with high-net-worth clients
Good increase in loans outstanding: +7.5% vs. 30.09.2021
Asset Management
Positive net asset inflows this quarter in a challenging environment, driven by
net asset inflows into medium- and long-term vehicles, offsetting the outflows
from money-market funds
Development and widening of the responsible and sustainable investment
range (87% of assets under management are classified Art. 8 or 92 as at
Real Estate
Good performance, particularly by Property Management
Revenues: €974m
(+10.1% vs. 3Q21)
• Wealth Management: increase driven by
growth in net interest income
Asset Management: highly unfavourable
impact of the market environment
• Principal Investments: strong growth
Real Estate: increase driven by Property
Operating expenses: €696m
(+5.2% vs. 3Q21)
• Positive jaws effect (+4.9 pts)
•Driven by business development at
Wealth Management and Real Estate
• Positive jaws effect on the whole at
Asset Management and Principal
Acknowledged leadership
Outstanding Private Bank in
Best Private Equity offering4
Open funds classified Art.
8 or 92
Management +6 pts
31.12.21 30.09.22
Pre-tax income: €331m
(+39.5% vs. 3Q21)
Positive impact of a capital gain on a
sale by Wealth Management in 3Q22
1. Asset Management, Wealth Management, Real Estate and Principal Investments; 2. Assets under management of open funds in Europe classified Article 8 or Article 9 (SFRD);
3. Private Banker International Global Wealth Awards 2022; 4. Global Private Banking Innovation Awards 2022
The bank for a changing world
Third quarter 2022 results | 37View entire presentation