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Investor Presentaiton

Banking Industry (1/3) . Loans grew 9% YoY in the banking system, largely deployed in financial services sector, real estate, business services and mining. Total deposits declined YtD in absolute value. • Historically, total deposits would increase in 4Q due to higher government spending. • Capital remained solid with CAR reaching 27.6%. • Net profit was Rp 141.1 trillion in Jul23, rose by 20.4% YoY, presenting strong top line growth and asset quality improvement. Analyst Meeting 9M-23 Banking Sector Financial Summary GRUP CA BCA Always by your side Rp trillion Aug-22 Dec-22 Aug-23 ΔΥΟΥ AYtD Total Loans 6,160 6,389 6,710 8.9% 5.0% Third Party Funds 7,358 7,932 7,831 6.4% -1.3% CASA 4,619 5,067 4,885 5.8% -3.6% Current Accounts 2,084 2,430 2,284 9.6% -6.0% Savings Accounts 2,535 2,637 2,601 2.6% -1.4% Time Deposits 2,740 2,865 2,946 7.5% 2.8% # Net Profit 117.2 201.8 141.1 20.4% n.a # NIM 4.8% 4.8% 4.9% 10bp 10bp LDR NPL # CAR # 83.7% 80.5% 85.7% 200bp 520bp 2.9% 2.4% 2.5% -40bp 10bp 25.0% 25.6% 27.6% 260bp 200bp Source: Bank Indonesia (SEKI) & Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (SPI) Note: # use SPI data (July) PT Bank Central Asia Tbk 6
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