Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

SUMMARY 6. AN OUTSIDE LOOK 8. INTERVIEW WITH THE PRESIDENT AND THE CEO 10. ALANA INSTITUTE, THREE AREAS AND THREE PILLARS 12. ALANA INSTITUTE'S PROJECTS 38. FUNDS PARTICIPATION 40. 2014: TIMELINE 54. HIGHLIGHTS AND NUMBERS ALANA INSTITUTE'S PROJECTS Children and Consumerism Promotes awareness and defence of children rights on market communications Absolute Priority Informs, sensitizes and mobilizes society and legal officers in relation to Federal Constitution Article 277 INSTITUTO ALANA SlowKids An invitation for families to slow down and enjoy quality time together and without hurry Toy Trade Fair Promotes a reflection about consumerism in childhood through an exchange of toys between children Another Glimpse Produces and spreads knowledge to stimulate society to have a different view over Down syndrome people Satisfeito Presents alternatives to food waste that favor child nutrition at the same time Territory of Play Brings a documentation of games and the culture of childhood in Brazil through films, books, exhibitions, etc. Banda Alana Has a transformational role in the lives of children and teenagers through music and art Espaço Alana Believes in the power of community engagement for transformation and supports this process in Jardim Pantanal, in São Paulo 56. COMING UP... 58. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Ciranda de Filmes A film festival focused on education and childhood that provokes, sensitizes and invites change Catraquinha Unveils the city so that it may be occupied, lived and explored by all children and their families Maria Farinha Filmes Audiovisual production company that believes that well-told stories can make a difference and transform ALANAPAR
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