Investor Presentaiton
Armour Energy and controlled entities
Directors' report continued
for the year ended 30 June 2020
Notwithstanding the favourable landscape for the ongoing production and sale of natural gas as outlined above, Armour anticipates
that its activities may be subject to increasing regulation and costs associated with climate change, and/or the management of
carbon emissions. The Company is committed to understanding and managing the current and emerging regulatory, reputational,
and market-related risks of climate change to its operations. The Company's Executive Team and Audit and Risk Management
Committee continue to undertake a detailed review of the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial
Disclosures (TCFD) for any further or more detailed disclosures required for future reporting periods. However, the Company's view
is that there are currently no climate change related risks which are material enough to warrant disclosure in the Company's current
period Financial Statements. This includes the potential regulatory, transitional, and physical risks associated with climate change.
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The Company is also conscious that other social consensus-based issues connected with climate change and environmental
stewardship may impact its operations and cost structures into the future. These are dynamic issues which will need to be
monitored and considered in the context of the Company's decisions regarding the use of its capital, the nature and longevity
of certain assets and operations, the safety and security of its workforce, and the interests of its broader stakeholders and the
communities in which it operates. At this stage, there have been no direct impacts on Armour's operations or assets connected
to these issues, other than the gas and hydraulic fracturing moratoriums imposed by the Victorian and Northern Territory
stimulation results, analysis of historical well production, decline curve analysis, offset field production data and prior production
data from wells before the Kincora Gas Plant was shut-in by the previous operator, Origin Energy. The reported Reserves are
used in connection with estimates of commercially recoverable quantities of petroleum only and in the most specific category
that reflects an objective degree of uncertainty in the estimated quantities of recoverable petroleum. The petroleum reserves are
reported net of fuel and net to Armour to the APA Group metered sales connection to the Roma to Brisbane Pipeline (Run 2) at
Wallumbilla and the report discloses the portion of petroleum Reserves that will be consumed as fuel in production and lease plant
operations. Armour will be using calibrated metering and gas chromatographs at the Kincora Gas Plant as a reference point for the
purpose of measuring and assessing the estimated petroleum Reserves from the produced gas.
The economic assumptions used to calculate the estimates of petroleum Reserves are commercially sensitive to the Armour
operated Kincora Project. The methodology used to determine the economic assumptions are based upon strategic objectives
that include, but not limited to, new drills, hydraulic stimulation, workovers, recompletes and surface facility modifications to
ramp up to and maintain a 30 TJ/day production profile for 15 years. The sanctioned development model includes a starting and
ending monthly schedule of working/net interest capital expenditure to develop and maintain the petroleum Reserves, operational
expenditure to develop and produce the petroleum Reserves, fixed petroleum Reserve prices under-contract and escalated
petroleum Reserve futures based upon Wallumbilla Hub prices, tax/royalty sensitivities, revenue from gross and net petroleum
production yields and cash flow from petroleum production yields and summation of discounted cash flows.
No financial impacts have been recorded in the current period by Armour in relation to these initiatives as:
The Company's project equity interests in the state of Victoria are currently carried at a nil value, having been written down in
an earlier period; and
The Government of the Northern Territory has now lifted its moratorium and granting the Company an extension of time for it
to complete its exploration activities, together with reductions in its financial commitments related thereto.
Armour is committed to making further progress in relation to climate change disclosure and reporting in future periods, as well as
the continued monitoring and improvement of operational and site issues connected with the issues highlighted above.
The report 'Armour Energy Hydrocarbon Reserves, 01 January 2020', documents the Reserves Update based upon Armour's
successful drilling and sales production from the Myall Creek 4A, Myall 5A and Horseshoe 4 wells in PL 511 and PL 227 (see Map 1).
The estimated aggregated quantities of petroleum reserves to be recovered from existing wells and through future capital are listed
in Table 1 above and exclude 5% production processing fuel and provisional flaring.
The independently verified 'Armour Energy Hydrocarbon Reserves, 01 January 2020' report details a high degree of confidence
in the commercial producibility of Permian aged reservoirs previously discovered and produced in operated granted petroleum
licenses 511 and 227 using, recent Armour drilled and hydraulically stimulated wells, 2D-3D seismic, historic and modern well
data, reservoir pressure data, electric logs and rock properties from chip and core samples, gas composition analysis, hydraulic
The petroleum Reserves are located on granted petroleum licences with approved environmental authorities and financial
assurances. Armour has a social licence to operate and relevant surface access agreements are in-place. Armour is the owner and
operator of the Kincora Project and PPL3 sales gas pipeline which connects the Kincora Gas Plant to the Wallumbilla gas hub via
the connection agreement with APA. Armour holds granted Petroleum Licenses over the reported estimates of petroleum Reserves,
associated gathering and field compressors. The basis for confirming the commercial producibility and booking of the estimated
petroleum Reserves is supported by actual historic production and sales and/or formation tests. The analytical procedures used to
estimate the petroleum reserves were decline-curve analysis to 50 thousand cubic-feet-day, historic production data and relevant
subsurface data including, formation tests, 2D-3D seismic surveys, well logs and core analysis that indicate significant extractable
The proposed extraction method of the estimated petroleum Reserves will be through approved conventional drilling and, where
applicable, hydraulic stimulation techniques to accelerate production, commingle the productive zones and extract volumes from
tight gas zones. Wellbores will be cased and cemented with a -pressure wellhead completion. Petroleum will be recovered through
2-3/8" production tubing and gathered to field compression sites for delivery to the Kincora Gas Plant.
Wellbores will be designed to protect aquifers and deviated drilling may be used to lessen the overall impact to surface owners,
environmental receptors, strategic cropping and to consolidate surface infrastructure. Processing at the Kincora Gas Plant will
be required to separate the extracted hydrocarbons into dry gas, liquid petroleum gas, oil, and condensate and to remove any
impurities prior to sales.
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