International Banking Volume Growth and Sector Highlights slide image

International Banking Volume Growth and Sector Highlights

CANADIAN BANKING Strong loan growth, margin expansion and positive operating leverage FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND METRICS¹ ($MM) Q4/17 Y/Y Q/Q • Revenue $3,265 +5% Expenses $1,629 +1% PCLS $218 -3% Net Income $1,067 +12% +2% Productivity Ratio 49.9% -190bps -10bps Net Interest Margin 2.41% +2bps PCL Ratio 0.27% -1bp -1bps . NET INCOME¹ ($MM) AND NIM (%) 2.39% 2.39% 2.38% 2.41% 2.41% • 1,045 1,067 • 954 981 971 Q4/16 Q1/17 Q2/17 Q3/17 Q4/17 1 Attributable to equity holders of the Bank 2 Adjusted for the Tangerine run-off mortgage portfolio · YEAR-OVER-YEAR HIGHLIGHTS Net income up 12% 。 +7% was attributed to the HollisWealth gain Strong asset and solid deposit growth Loan growth of 6%, or 7%, adjusting for the Tangerine run-off mortgage portfolio o Residential mortgages up 6%² o Business loans up 13% Deposits up 3% NIM up 2 bps Driven by rising rate environment and changes in business mix PCL ratio improved by 1 bp Expenses up 1% 。 Higher investments in digital and technology o Partially offset by savings realized from cost reduction initiatives and lower expenses from the sale of HollisWealth Operating leverage of +2.9% for the year Scotiabank® | 10
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