H1 FY21 Finance and Cost Analysis slide image

H1 FY21 Finance and Cost Analysis

OUR LIFE EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT OPTIONS We are advancing options at our existing operations to compete for capital and grow returns III SOUTH32 CERRO MATOSO (100%) Development of the higher-grade Q&P project approved FS for the low-capital Ore Sorting and Mechanical Ore Concentration (OSMOC) project, which has the potential to increase processing capacity, expected in H2 FY21 ILLAWARRA METALLURGICAL COAL (100%) Assessing the impact of the Independent Planning Commission's decision to refuse the application for the Dendrobium Next Domain project MRN (14.8%) PFS for the bauxite life extension project expected in CY21 GEMCO (60%) FS for Eastern Leases underway with exploration drilling in the Southern Areas restarted in Q2 FY21 Life extension or improvement option HILLSIDE (100%) FS for the AP3XLE project underway with FID expected in H1 FY22 MOZAL (47.1%) AP3XLE energy efficiency technology being rolled out SLIDE 25
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