Investor Presentaiton
Spa*ark Energy_16
Spa*ark Energy / CEO
Dr John Bishop, Chairman
Spa*ark Energy Pty Ltd (ACN: 629 075 618) was created specifically to hold the licence covering the
Lemont Inferred Geothermal Resource. It has no others assets, and no liabilities. Its current sole
director is Dr John Bishop. As of October, website, domain names, etc are underway.
The licence application, ELA15/2016, is currently held by J.A. & J.R. Bishop. Spa*ark has a binding
agreement to purchase 100% of the rights.
Immediately following initial funding, Spa*ark will be seeking a technically-oriented CEO with
expertise in large-scale project management to take this enterprise through from concept to
Dr John Bishop is a geophysicist with more than 40 years experience and owner of Mitre Geophysics
advising the international mining and exploration industries. John is experienced in most metallic
commodities, plus coal and unconventional gas, as well as geothermal energy in a variety of geologic
John has been a director of several private and public resource and energy companies; including Icon
Resources (ASX: III, founding MD); Riverside Energy (unlisted, exec. Chair, which successfully spun
out a large UK coking coal project); Kula Energy with geothermal interests in PNG; and KUTH Energy
(ASX: KEN, founding Chairman) which explored for and defined the resources comprising Spa*ark's
current assets.
John is a previous federal treasurer and councillor of the AIG, and a past branch president of the
Dr Fiona Holgate, Consultant
Dr Fiona Holgate is a geoscientist of nearly 20 years standing, specialised in the discovery and
evaluation of geothermal resources. With a background in minerals, mining and exploration, she has
extensive experience in the application and use of geological and geophysical techniques including
drilling and borehole evaluation.
Formerly a Senior Geologist with Geoscience Australia's Geothermal Energy Group, Fiona holds a
PhD in geothermal exploration from the ANU. She has extensive on-ground experience in corporate
management and leadership, including four years as Exploration Manager for KUTh Energy Ltd.
Fiona was a founding member of the Australian Geothermal Code Committee and is recognised as a
Competent Person under the Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Geothermal
Resources and Geothermal Reserves. Fiona is acting as a technical consultant to Spa*ark.View entire presentation