Investor Presentaiton
For personal use only
IPAX-I Phase I/II trial of TLX101 for the treatment of GBM 1
TLX101 in combination with EBRT2
Multi-centre Phase I/II trial of TLX101 in combination with EBRT in patients with recurrent GBM
Primary endpoint: Safety and tolerability
Secondary endpoints include: MTD³, efficacy, dosimetry
First-peer review data presented at Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) Annual Meeting
in October 2021
All patients evaluated received similar total activity dose of ~2GBq (2000 MBq) of TLX101,
either in a single administration or a triple-fractionated regime.
Treatment well tolerated, typically grade 1 - 2 adverse events
Evidence of anti-tumour effect from both imaging and clinical assessment
Overall survival (OS) on this interim analysis shows median 15.97 months to date
6/10 patients still alive and will be followed until 1 year after dosing for the final OS
calculation (May 2022)
1. Glioblastoma Multiforme.
2. External beam radiation therapy
3. Maximum tolerated dose.
Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited (ASX: TLX)
Baseline PET scan
Day 45 PET scan post
TLX101 therapy
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