Economic Backdrop and Financial Performance Objectives slide image

Economic Backdrop and Financial Performance Objectives

Funding: Well-diversified ☐ As at January 31, 2024, relationship-based deposits, which are the primary source of funding for retail and commercial lending, were $847 billion or 52% of our total funding (including short-term repo funding) Short and long-term wholesale funding comprises 35% of the total liabilities & capital in both unsecured and secured formats Wholesale funding generally supports capital markets activity Wholesale funding is well-diversified across products, currencies, investor segments and geographic regions LCR (1) (total adjusted value, $BN) High-quality liquid assets Less Net Cash Outflows = Surplus ~$94BN 393 298 Total Loss Absorbing Capacity (1) TLAC Composition ($BN) TLAC Ratio 186 31.4% External TLAC 6.3% instruments 79 3.5% ■Tier 2 instruments 11 8 ■Additional Tier 1 instruments 21.6% ■CET1 Capital (1) 88 Q1/2024 Q1/2024 T DSB(2) Minimum Q1/2024 Q1/2024 Long-term debt (3) - funding mix Unsecured funding 62% By product By currency of issuance U.S. dollar Canadian dollar 24% 47% $228BN Cards securitization 3% $228BN Covered bonds 24% Subordinated debentures 5% MBS/CMB (4) 6% Euro and Other 29% (1) The CET1 Capital is calculated using OSFI's CAR guideline. The Liquidity Coverage Ratio is calculated using OSFI'S LAR guideline. The TLAC Ratios are calculated using OSFI's TLAC guideline. (2) Domestic Stability Buffer (DSB). OSFI's DSB can range from 0% to 4% of total RWA and is currently set at 3.5%. (3) Includes unsecured and secured long-term funding and subordinated debentures with an original term to maturity greater than 1 year. (4) Mortgage- backed securities (MBS) and Canada Mortgage Bonds (CMB). 53 | APPENDIX RBC
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