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Investor Presentaiton

Back to Table of Contents CR6: AIRB - Credit risk exposures by portfolio and PD range - Non-Retail a (in $ millions) PD scale Original on- balance sheet gross b Off- balance sheet exposures C d e f g h j k I Average CCF EAD post- CRM and post-CCF Average PD (2) Number of (3) obligors Average LGD (4) Average maturity (6) (5) RWA RWA density (8) EL (7) Provisions exposures pre-CCF Corporate - Other 0.00 to <0.15 87,071 154,008 58% 177,713 0.09% 2,266 41.53% 2.14 46,698 26.3% 67 0.15 to <0.25 36,068 40,968 45% 55,172 0.18% 1,783 47.24% 2.28 24,441 44.3% 48 0.25 to <0.50 46,910 45,365 43% 65,313 0.30% 5,232 43.67% 2.19 33,452 51.2% 84 0.50 to <0.75 0% 0.00% 0.00% 0.0% 0.75 to <2.50 20,836 16,810 34% 25,877 1.01% 3,038 41.70% 1.98 20,656 79.8% 109 2.50 to <10.00 2,458 2,631 23% 2,783 3.35% 384 41.51% 1.77 3,070 110.3% 38 10.00 to <100.00 835 530 26% 936 31.14% 59 53.85% 1.75 2,738 292.5% 159 100.00 (Default) Sub-total 700 129 62% 698 100.00% 75 46.24% 1.75 2,544 364.3% 200 194,878 260,441 51% 328,492 0.55% 12,837 42.97% 2.16 133,599 40.7% 705 491 Corporate - Specialized Lending 0.00 to <0.15 8,479 10,625 65% 16,280 0.10% 213 41.34% 2.43 4,538 27.9% 0.15 to <0.25 13,448 9,607 53% 18,651 0.18% 429 38.17% 1.87 6,103 32.7% 0.25 to <0.50 13,959 9,900 51% 18,115 0.28% 872 38.89% 1.69 7,401 40.9% 20 732 0.50 to <0.75 0% 0.00% 0.00% 0.0% 0.75 to <2.50 1,316 247 24% 1,256 1.07% 125 44.63% 1.48 1,060 84.4% 6 2.50 to <10.00 79 15 39% 85 5.11% 5 36.54% 1.89 99 116.4% 1 10.00 to <100.00 77 80 37% 107 36.01% 8 40.15% 1.18 215 201.4% 16 100.00 (Default) 152 33 100% 184 100.00% 4 48.76% 1.21 849 460.4% 27 Sub-total Total 37,510 400,879 30,507 305,269 56% 54,678 0.63% 1,656 39.54% 1.97 20,265 37.1% 90 50 52% 560,219 0.48% 15,097 33.94% 2.05 163,248 29.1% 928 546 (1) Includes retail residential mortgages insured by CMHC, and the backstop portion of mortgages insured by Sagen and Canada Guaranty Insurance. (2) Post-CRM PD weighted by post-CRM EAD. (3) Represents the number of individual borrowers. (4) Post-CRM LGD weighted by post-CRM EAD. (5) Effective remaining maturity in years. (7) RWA density is calculated as Risk-weighted Assets (column i) divided by EAD post-CRM and post-CCF (column d). (8) Includes all three ECL stages under IFRS 9, and partial write-offs. Scotiabank Supplementary Regulatory Capital Disclosure Page 52 of 88
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