Integrated Report / JSL 2021
The business philosophy of "Understanding
to Serve" remains an important driver of
the strategic plan In line with the evolution
of the corporate structure, JSL was
endowed with independence and autonomy
consistent with its size and experience
to design avenues of growth that have
been explored in recent years. They are:
Integration with customers - walking
side by side with the customer to
understand and meet their demands;
Synergies - promote synergies with new
companies, both in terms of scale gains
(negotiations with suppliers) and banking
relationships (renegotiations with lower
interest rates). Connect the services
offered by the company, expanding
participation in active customers,
exploring cross-selling, opportunities,
and reaching other countries, such
as South Africa and Paraguay;
• Introduction of new services - increase
logistics integration with projects that
integrate the company's existing portfolio;
• Customization - be at the
customer's service and know how
to serve them according to the
indicators of their success;
• Third-party drivers and associates-
maintenance of relationships
of trust and value, with a focus
on partner development;
• Increase in added value of services -
maximize the return on invested capital
through new and/or additional services
that promote asset excellence;
Expansion and diversification of the
client portfolio - being present in different
sectors and bringing innovations that help
clients to operate in a more efficient, safe
and qualified way, with an eye on new
companies and underexplored sectors;
Sustainability advance in the
incorporation of social, environmental,
governance and economic assumptions
into senior leadership decisions, seeking
to maximize positive impacts and
control risks and negative impacts;
•Technology - develop new solutions
that meet your business needs and
your operating strategy, such as
technologies aimed at automating
warehouses and developing software
that integrate the entire logistics
chain: customer, JSL and drivers;
Strategic acquisitions - accelerate growth
with participation in segments and/
or geographic regions, adding value to
the business beyond organic growth;
• International expansion - seek
new markets in different countries
and customer segments, meeting
their needs abroad, such as
South Africa and Paraguay;
• Return on invested capital - ensure
high profitability and return to investors
and shareholders, through results-
oriented resource allocation.View entire presentation