Assessing Climate Change Risk and Resilience in the Yukon slide image

Assessing Climate Change Risk and Resilience in the Yukon

Table 8 shows the recommended actions to increase resilience for Priority 4. Table 8 Summary of recommended actions, Priority 4: Changing climate conditions that affect land, water, animals and plants Impact no. 15 20 23 24 26 Significant impacts, Priority 4 Changing winter conditions affect ecosystems, wildlife and biodiversity Freshwater temperatures rise in some rivers and lakes, disrupting ecosystems Changing climate affects composition, distribution and movement of plants and animals Changing climate conditions affect health and availability of plants and animals A warming climate worsens the spread of illness and parasites in plant and animals Recommended actions to increase resilience • Identify the ecosystems and species at most risk from climate change impacts • Increase monitoring capacity in order to forecast, assess and respond to changes • Build capacity for responding to invasive species • Continue to expand the network of protected areas • Continue to build capacity to consider climate change impacts in parks, protected areas and managed areas • Continue to manage parks and protected areas collaboratively with First Nations and Inuvialuit, and explore how the idea of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas may apply in the Yukon Explore how nature-based solutions may apply in the Yukon CHAPTER 4 PRIORITIES AND RECOMMENDATIONS PAGE 25
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