Corporate & Investor Presentation slide image

Corporate & Investor Presentation

Digital health solutions for inhaled COPD pharmaceuticals ● ResMed now has end-to-end solutions for Digital Health for COPD patients across stages I, II, III, IV of the disease Uses sensors with inhalers to track medication usage and provide personal feedback and insights UPSTREAM Customers include: $$ Patients$$ ● Establishes ResMed as a leading provider of COPD and asthma patient management solutions Enables digitally-enabled integration of care through the progression of the disease Health and economic outcomes Payers DOWNSTREAM Anthem gsk ✓ Boehringer Ingelheim ORION NOVARTIS Increased drug adherence and sales Pharma companies signed represent 90% of long-acting respiratory inhalation drugs Improved clinical trial speed and enhanced time to market 47 2020 ResMed | Corporate & Investor Presentation - updated 05AUG20 PBMS EXPRESS SCRIPTS Propeller Clinical insights and efficiencies Health systems Dignity Health. ($$ Patients + $$ Pharmacies Walgreens Patient Acquisition ResMed
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