ETF Rolling Reserve Act Summary
Educational Opportunities Reserve Fund
▪May be withdrawn through a supplemental appropriation bill
■ Allowable one-time uses:
■ To offset a reduction in revenues to the ETF that could negatively impact funding for budgeted obligations from the
ETF for the current fiscal year
■ To provide funding for unanticipated obligations
■ To sustain required programmatic increases for existing ETF obligations in the event of a change in economic
To maintain prior year appropriation levels, if the computation of the fiscal year appropriation cap or secondary
spending limit is less than prior year base ETF appropriations
■ For start-up or transitional support for initiatives that provide access to enhanced educational opportunities to all
public K-12 or higher education students in the state, or both
■Initial balance of $353,975,000 (from Act 2023-378)
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