Investor Presentaiton
Future Plans
TFCI 1.0
Highly capitalized NBFC, i.e. an underleveraged balance sheet
Diversified, granular, moderate loan book backed by high
collateral security
Lean cost structure with minimal legacy risk
Long-duration, low-cost liability profile
Ubiquitous with travel & tourism financing in India
Travel & Tourism asset-quality cycle has turned around
TFCI 1.0
TFCI 2.0
Product Diversification
Higher & Better Returns
TFCI 2.0
Sweating of Networth
Blend of high quality investment grade and high-yield lending
Exploit the synergies in the ecosystem
Diverse borrowing book (Term Loan + CC + NCD + ECB)
Leverage the sector expertise of Travel & Tourism and expand in
other sectors in India
New avenues of growth: Structured finance, Acquisition finance,
MSME project finance, Equipment finance
Investment Banking
Tourism Finance Corporation of IndiaView entire presentation