Investment Bank Investor Presentation slide image

Investment Bank Investor Presentation

Section 2b. Transforming our business for the new environment: Markets We are managing our business to be capital efficient... We have clear plans to enhance how we deploy RWAs on an ongoing basis... ... and have built a suite of applications to maximise the capital efficiency of new and existing business Clearing • Increase use of central clearing Portfolio optimisation • Improve documentation to ensure netting is applicable New business Transactions Renegotiate Credit Support Annex • Unwind restructure trades Focus on capital efficient trades • Management information RSG Rates Structuring [RWAS PV Scenarios] BARCLAYS RWAs scenario estimation Allows analysis on a transaction level to assess the return on RWAs under different assumptions Unilateral CVA Bateral CVA DayOMM DVA Son Total W PV edged Total CCRA Total Debre Alber 443512 4435,138 0034,100 30 16x114 50 5501369 SSEL 309 50 $131.900 $1,548 760 $151.996 $13760 50 363.811.555 530179716 Valuation Date Trade Date Centerparty 90sie Counterparts are CVA-V RVA Helge Rete is CRT name Dervative PWC SA POTICA 23050013 2305/2013 1000% Cab (USD) $2,000,000 $100,000 Cash Revenue (Mon Dematter Tots Reverse 53019716 $48,82856 Enhance risk models Improve reporting efficiency RWAs allocation tracker Existing Enables us to assess and track capital usage, business and its underlying drivers, by client and trading desk 32 | Investment Bank Investor Presentation | 28 June 2013 BARCLAYS
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