Investor Presentaiton
Simplifying Regulations through Omnibus Laws
Omnibus Laws Group a Diverse Range of Issues into Legislation, Aimed at Creating Jobs and
Empowering SMEs.
1) Investment Funding
2) Territorial System
Omnibus Law Priority Sectors
6 Pillars of Omnibus Law Perpajakan (Taxation)
3) Personal Taxpayer
4) Taxpayer Compliance
5) Equity of Business
6) Taxation Facility
11 Clusters of Omnibus Law Cipta Lapangan Kerja (Job Creation)
1) Simplification of Licensing
4) Ease, Empowerment and Protection of MSMEs
2) Investment Requirements
3) Employment
5) Ease of Doing Business
6) Research and Innovation Support
7) Government Administration
8) Imposition of Sanctions
9) Land Acquisition
10) Government Investment and
11) Economic Zone
Following the inauguration of his second presidential term in October 2019, President Joko Widodo announced his administration's plans to continue regulatory reform by focusing on
initiatives such as developing a dynamic and qualified workforce, promoting industry cooperation through technology, further enhancing infrastructure development and economic
reform as well as simplifying regulations and bureaucracy.
■To achieve such ends, President Widodo's Government subsequently prepared three bills of omnibus laws, namely an omnibus bill on job creation, an omnibus bill on development
and strengthening the financial sector and an omnibus bill on tax provision.
■Omnibus laws refer to laws that group diverse and unrelated issues which are drawn into a bill which is accepted in a single vote by a legislature.
1Under discussion
Source: Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs
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