Barclays H1 2022 Results slide image

Barclays H1 2022 Results

Structural hedge Structural hedge programme update Dec-19 Dec-20 Mar-21 Jun-21 Sep-21 Dec-21 Mar-22 Jun-22 Structural hedge dynamics FY21 H122 Hedge notional (£bn) Total hedge income (Em) 1,415 879 224 228 238 256 171 188 192 198 Average hedge balances (£bn) Yield on hedge (%) 204 237 0.69 0.74 3.0 2.0 GBP 5 Year 1.0 swap rate¹ (%) 0.0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 -Zero Yield Close 5 Year Moving Average 2.48 0.75 Q420 Q121 Q221 Q321 Q421 Q122 Q222 Gross hedge contribution 501 (Em) 377 350 341 353 371 378 1 UK Pound Sterling SONIA OIS Zero 5 Year Point (Refinitiv: GBPOIS5YZ=R) | 35 | Barclays H1 2022 Results | 28 July 2022 • • • The Group's combined gross equity and product structural hedge contribution was £501m in Q222 (Q122: £378m) The combined structural hedge notional as at Jun-22 was £256bn, an £18bn increase from Mar-22 and an £85bn increase from Dec-19 The £85bn increase in structural hedge notional is relative to an increase in Group deposits of £153bn since Dec-19 The average duration of the structural hedge remains at close to 3 years Given recent moves in the yield curve and the increase in hedge notional, the structural hedge contribution in FY22 is currently expected to be materially higher than in FY21 BARCLAYS
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