Investor Presentaiton
Transforming the reality of
the sector with legal certainty
da participaçã
Passed into law about one year ago, the San-
itation Legal Framework (Law 14,026/20)
brings a tripod that shall be the starting
points for a new direction for this sector:
first, a process of regionalisation, which is
currently under way; secondly, the effectu-
ation of a declaration of financial and eco-
nomic capacity, drawn up in May; and, last
but not least, the regulatory agenda led by
the Brazilian National Water and Basic San-
itation Agency (Agência Nacional de Águas
e Saneamento Básico - ANA), which is ex-
tremely important for the segment in the
long term.
The main challenge faced by every seg-
ment dealing with infrastructure is that of
legal certainty for the investor. Legal cer-
tainty depends on a stable quality regula-
tory environment throughout the period of It is also important to highlight the report
the investment.
The consolidation of the new framework is
a priority so that Brazil may handle these
necessary investments, totalling some BRL
700 billion over the next 10 to 15 years, for
the universalisation of services.
It is in this scenario that ABCON SINDCON
publishes a new edition of the Panorama of
Private Participation in Sanitation. The main
challenge that the association now faces is
that of contributing to the transformation of
this segment, which we believe is one of the
most important locomotives that has been
pulling the Brazilian economy along, in this
period following the pandemic.
This yearbook brings updated figures and
data that shall be grounds for new studies
and for decision-making by public manage-
ment teams; institutions for nurturing and
financing; suppliers of equipment and ser-
vice providers. We are in need of good proj-
ects, and good projects also require good
studies and reliable data.
contained in this Panorama, reporting on the
progress that the private sector has shown
in issues of key importance for society, such
as dealing with environmental issues, ener-
gy efficiency, and the disposal of the sludge
resulting from sewage treatment.
Within the whole infrastructure sector, sani-
tation is probably the area that has had the
greatest social and environmental impact,
as we now face a target of universal sup-
ply, as already achieved in other segments
such as telecommunications and energy.
The Sanitation Legal Framework is therefore
a cornerstone within this future that we de-
sire for the segment and for the country. In
addition, ABCON SINDCON follows its path,
getting consolidated as a reference within
the debate and construction of an enhance-
ment of public sanitation policies and for all
those wishing to get to know this sector.
Teresa Vernaglia
President of the Board of Directors of AB-
CON SINDCON since July 2021
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