Working Toward the Mobility Society of the Future
Message from
the President
The Source of Our
Value Creation:
What Makes Us Toyota
Value Creation Story:
Working toward the Mobility
Society of the Future
Business Foundations
Corporate Data
for Value Creation
I have repeated these messages and
demonstrated Toyota's philosophy and
skills through action at the genba (the front
lines) time and again, both as president
and as a master driver.
By pursuing a best-in-town approach, we
better understand what makes our
customers and stakeholders happy and
what doesn't.
By focusing on making ever-better cars,
we discover the limits of what we can do
by ourselves. We realize that, from
development to after-sales, a car has a
useful life spanning more than 20 years
that is profoundly intertwined with the lives
of our customers.
By bringing car development into the
world of motorsport, the demanding
conditions of racing allow us to hone both
vehicles and people. I have always felt it
important to place car making within the
context of such stories. To me, our
customers and stakeholders are the
protagonists of these stories, along with
every individual working at Toyota's genba.
Change at Toyota Is Apparent at
the Genba
Our products, above all else, are the
tangible manifestation of the ways Toyota
has changed. Today, Toyota offers a wide
variety of products that have become the
preferred choice of customers around the
world. I believe this is because the people
working at Toyota have changed.
Toyota's efforts at the genba are
underpinned by the many people, both
inside and outside the Company, who
have provided support to ensure the
success of each new project. These
diverse professionals work tirelessly,
acting with mutual respect, sharing
expertise, and making steady
improvements to deliver ever-better cars
to customers as quickly as possible.
Through these efforts, our colleagues
strive to fulfill the philosophy of "producing
happiness for all" using the time-honored
skills of the TPS. I am grateful for such
dedication, which I see as a clear sign of
real change at Toyota.
A Mobility Future That Only
Carmakers Can Create
Toyota is now transforming into a mobility
company. Our products and services
may change in the future, but, even so,
I believe in a mobility future that only
carmakers can create.
When asked what we do, I want Toyota
members to respond with pride,
confidence, and ambition: "I make cars."
I see my mission as nurturing such
individuals by passing on the legacy of
Toyota's skills and philosophy.
We have reached this point after long
years of struggle thanks to those who
have supported us through both good
and difficult times.
We would not have been able to change
without the understanding and backing of
our stakeholders.
"The future is something we create together."
"An industry united as one."
Based on these principles, we will continue
to blaze the trail forward to the future with
our many partners and colleagues.
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