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Investor Presentaiton

Demand of Pax Market is far below the pre-crisis levels International Pax Traffic decreased by 69.2% in Sep, 2021. and decreased by 80.2% from Jan to Sep, which is still far lower than the pre epidemic level. > The recovery of international pax market of airlines in the Asia lags behind other regions, because delta variant virus epidemic and strict border control measures. International Pax capacity/traffic/LF YOY% International Capacity/Traffic 20% Capacity 0% -20% LF Traffic -40% -60% 2020 (vs 19) -80% Capacity -68.1% Capacity -69.9% Traffic -75.6% 62.8% 2021 YTD (vs 19) Traffic -80.2% LF 54.2% -100% LF -120% 2019 100% 2021/01-09 (international capacity ) 2021/01-09 ( international traffic) 80% 0% -50% -100% 60% -94.5% Asia -86.5% 40% -76.7% Middle East 20% -61.5% -74.7% 0% Europe -65.1% -73.3% -67.3% -71.0% -56.7% 2020 2021 Year Capacity Yoy% 202101 202102 202103 -74.4% -77.9% -77.4% 202104 202105 202106 202107 202108 -76.0% -74.6% -71.0% -63.8% -59.0% 202109 -59.1% Latin America Traffic -85.6% -88.7% -87.8% -87.3% -85.1% -80.9% -73.6% Yoy% -68.8% -69.2% North America LF % 44.9% 40.8% 43.7% 43.8% 47.3% 55.2% 62.1% 65.3% 61.6% CHINA AIRLINES 2021 (vs the same month in 2019) * 2021 (vs the same month in 2019) Source IATA 18
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