Mid-Tier Road Map
Existing and Future
to Fund Expansion
Identified Funding Structure
Saudi Arabia
Proposed Senior Lenders
Project Finance Loan
KEFI Gold and Copper plc
Ethiopian Subsidiaries
of International Groups
KEFI Ethiopia
~ 6%
KEFI Marketing
Tulu Kapi Gold
Mines (TKGM)
Ethiopian Private.
Shares in subsidiary
Min. $9M
Mining Financiers
Subordinated Facilities
Ethiopian Govt.
Min. $29M equity
Senior Lenders
Project Finance Loan
Mining Contractor
1. Subject to final procurement confirmations this month, TKGM capital requirement is c.US$356M
2. Mining contractor to provide US$56M mining fleet and Senior Lenders to provide US$140M, leaving US$160M to be provided as Equity-Risk-Capital
3. Equity-Risk Capital to be provided by Government US$29M and Local Private Investors US$9M into TKGM alongside KEFI Group for c. US$122M
4. KEFI Group's c. US$122M planned in the following manner:
a. Subordinated non-convertible, offtake-linked US$60M
b. Subordinated convertible into KEFI at VWAP in 3 years as to US$15M and US$20M at a premium over market in H2-22
c. Internal cash generation during commissioning, mining capex Year 2 paid by KEFI shares and final equity to be subscribed when all
syndicate has signed up potentially including proceeds of Dec warrants (c.US$8M). Aggregate of all is US$27M
'The funding structure is in progress and subject to change. The Offers and Commitments are made on a non-binding basis.
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