Investor Presentaiton
Shareholder Returns
Capital policy
Pursuing the optimal balance between capital adequacy, growth investment and
enhancement of shareholder return
return policy
per share
Progressive dividends being our principal approach while executing flexible and
intermittent share buybacks
✓ As for the dividends, we will decide based on the steady growth of our stable earnings base, taking
40% of the dividend payout ratio as a guide into consideration
✓ As for share buybacks, we will consider our business results and capital adequacy, our stock price and
the opportunities for growth investment in determining the execution
FY22 (estimate) : JPY 80
Interim (estimate)
: JPY 40
Fiscal year-end
: JPY 40
Reference: FY22 earnings plan
Net Income Attributable to FG: JPY 540B
(Payout ratio 37%)
FY22 approach
Maintain the current dividend estimates as of now with
concern to the prolonged uncertainty in the business
environment such as the ongoing situation in Russia
Adjust FY22 dividend estimates as and when
appropriate, closely monitoring the likelihood of
reaching this fiscal year's target
Share buybacks in accordance with the shareholder
return policy
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