FY 19-20 Budget Priorities Summary slide image

FY 19-20 Budget Priorities Summary

6-4 FORM B2 - NON-RECURRING OPERATING REQUEST AGENCY PRIORITY N/A Provide the Agency Priority Ranking from the Executive Summary. TITLE AMOUNT FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE REQUEST STATEWIDE ENTERPRISE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Provide a brief, descriptive title for this request. What is the net change in requested appropriations for FY 2019-20? This amount should correspond to the total for all funding sources on the Executive Summary. Mark "X" for all that apply: Change in cost of providing current services to existing program audience Change in case load/enrollment under existing program guidelines Non-mandated change in eligibility/enrollment for existing program Non-mandated program change in service levels or areas Proposed establishment of a new program or initiative Loss of federal or other external financial support for existing program Exhaustion of fund balances previously used to support program IT Technology/Security related Consulted DTO during development Request for Non-Recurring Appropriations Request for Federal/Other Authorization to spend existing funding Related to a Recurring request - If so, Priority #¸ Mark "X" for primary applicable Statewide Enterprise Strategic Objective: Education, Training, and Human Development Healthy and Safe Families Maintaining Safety, Integrity, and Security Public Infrastructure and Economic Development Government and Citizens ACCOUNTABILITY OF FUNDS What specific strategy, as outlined in the FY 2018-19 Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement template of agency's accountability report, does this funding request support? How would this request advance that strategy? How would the use of these funds be evaluated?
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