H1 FY21 Finance and Cost Analysis slide image

H1 FY21 Finance and Cost Analysis

EARNINGS ADJUSTMENTS Earnings adjustments Adjustments to Underlying EBIT Exchange rate (gains)/losses on restatement of monetary items Impairment losses (Gains)/losses on non-trading derivative instruments and other investments measured at fair value Major corporate restructures Earnings adjustments included in profit/(loss) of equity accounted investments Total adjustments to Underlying EBIT Adjustments to net finance costs Exchange rate variations on net debt Total adjustments to net finance costs Adjustments to income tax expense Tax effect of other earnings adjustments to Underlying EBIT Tax effect of earnings adjustments to net finance costs Exchange rate variations on tax balances Total adjustments to income tax expense Total earnings adjustments EIII SOUTH32 H1 FY21 US$M H1 FY20 US$M 71 36 - (19) 92 39 17 7 112 42 66 (5) 66 (5) 55 (31) (11) (9) 1 (55) 5 (95) (5) 83 32 SLIDE 37
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