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Investor Presentaiton

16 Cargill 2020 Annual Report Follow the results Progress Report 2019 In our commitment towards transparency, besides our annual report, we produce sector-based reports that provide regular information on the progress of our action plans to the main supply chains we support. These updates provide a true snapshot, with KPIs, goals and time frames, of how we have moved forward regarding essential issues in order to guide the present and future actions of Cargill. The most recent reports can be accessed here. Sustainability Progress Report 2018-2019 Mid-year update 2020 Sustainable Palm Oil Our transformation journey Cargill Cocoa and Chocolate Cargill Progress Report South American Soy Cargill Impacting changes We have made headway regarding priorities that preserve our planet and confirm that we are running our business in a sustainable fashion. By working with key partners, collabo- rative initiatives with clients and constant innovation of prod- ucts and services we provide, we are committed to create impacting changes that leverage our scale of operations and territories. In 2020, the company improved its governance in order to act in an ever more responsible way wherever it is pres- ent, with a strategic review of Cargill's social presence as well as in the area of Corporate Responsibility. Among the attributions of the sector are the promotion of actions to leverage knowledge on social-environmental topics among employees, disseminate this topic in a transversal fashion to all business areas and work to complement the Cargill Foundation. GRI 102-18 We have improved our governance in order to act in an ever more responsible manner
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