2022 Humanitarian Response Plan for Gaza and West Bank slide image

2022 Humanitarian Response Plan for Gaza and West Bank

struggling with relationships, agitation, social withdrawal, anxiety, fear, panic attacks, inability to relax and being worried. Also, about 79% of respondents' children showed signs of distress and observable changes in behavior. Interestingly, 87% of respondents whose children show signs of distress were themselves showing signs of distress and changes in mood or behavior, reflecting the strong correlation between caregivers' distress and children's psychosocial difficulties. This is primarily due to the caregivers' mental health issues, which hinder their ability to respond to their dependents' needs, especially children. The study also reflected that despite the high demand for services, only 9.4% of respondents' children received MHPSS services due to the paucity of available services. The need for social protection, including social assistance, intensified as result of the May 2021 war. As much as 76 per cent of households believe that they are at a higher risk of poverty now than before the May 2021 war, while 23 per cent believe that the risk of becoming poor is the same as before the war (noting that the risk continues to be high just as it was before the war). The assessment concurs with previous studies indicating a correlation between exposure to military attacks and risk of poverty. A total 87% of respondents in completely demolished homes reported higher risk of poverty." 58 The overall situation in Gaza has a disproportionate impact on the mental health of persons with disabilities, one of the most marginalized groups in Palestinian society who not only face institutional and attitudinal barriers accessing MHPSS services but are at greater risk of violence, stigma and discrimination. This has led to increasing risk of poor mental health, stress, anxiety and depression. For children with disability, families report more security concerns and barriers.59 The situation for Palestinian girls and women is characterized by overlapping vulnerabilities linked to threats of violence, poverty, discriminations due to legal and sociocultural norms, and low access services which result in harmful practices, including child marriage. Despite there being a higher prevalence of mental health disorders for girls and women than for boys and men, there is a higher percentage of male mental health service users 60 - owing to the higher stigma for women around mental health 61, who additionally often require the permission of family members to access mental health service. 62 Physical assault or abuse and psychosocial/ emotional abuse Following the May 2021 escalation, women unanimously reported the need for psychosocial support for themselves and their children. Shortly after the escalation, many mothers reported that their children have lost their ability to speak and have experienced bedwetting, while their sleeping cycle was heavily compromised. 63 In 2022, children still experience high rates of mental distress, including significant risks of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, behavioral problems, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, as well as functional impairment. Psychological distress among children is widespread and chronic. An estimated 678,000 children are in need of mental health and psychosocial support across opt, more than half (53%) of all children in Gaza. 6465 According Sawa May 2022 newsletter, calls related to suicide ideation have increased from January to May 2022 by 56%. Sawa also reported an increase in MHPSS counseling 50% when compared to May 2021, indicating that the impact of the May 2021 escalation on the mental health of Palestinians still holds, where children and youth expressing their trauma from the bombardment one yearlater. 58 59 UN Women Multi-sectoral Needs Assessment 2022 Assessment of MHPSS interventions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, UNFPA, August 2021 60 Mental Health Unit- MoH 2020 61 Assessment of MHPSS interventions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, UNFPA, August 2021 62 Which is not easily granted due to stigmatization and fear for the reputation of women 63 64 Escalation of hostilities and unrest in the OPT, Flash Appeal, May 2021 UN Women Assessment 2022 and GBV SC Assessment, June 2021 65 Calculated according to the child protection model applied to the 2021 MSNA data, using the common indicators and severity scales adopted at country level 66 Sawa Factsheet, May 2022 15
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