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Investor Presentaiton

Opportunities to Foreign Investment in Kosovo roughly €700 million. But if we take the whole ICT sector, investments are much larger, around €1.2 Billion. The investments in this sector should continue by attracting strategic investors. According to Kosovo Railways data, investments in the last ten years with the railways made by the Kosovo government and donors are around €15 Million, which primarily related to investments in maintenance of rail lines. But the main challenge remains investments in capital projects knowing that investments in railway are very expensive. This sector could be attractive for foreign investors. Roads are a very important matter for Kosovo to maintain its economic growth. Kosovo made investments in this sector for the last 10 years and infrastructure has improved but there is need to continue to invest in this sector and now mainly on local roads. Total amount of investments from 2001 to 2010 are roughly €800 Million. Last year the Ministry of Transport started the project of building new highway Morinë-Merdare costly about €700 Million. This highway connects Kosovo with Albania. The construction of this highway could have started later because it was not an urgent need. This amount of money is huge for Kosovo's limited budget and has become a fiscal burden for the budget of Kosovo. Further to this, there is needed to invest in health and education sector. These are two important pillars for the Kosovo's development, moreover two sectors that need urgent investments to improve capacity building. Energy sector is very important for Kosovo's economic development. Total amount of investments made in the last 10 years is about €1.4 Billion. Water supply is another significant sector. According to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning from 2009 until 2011, total amount of investments is over €8 Million. Kosovo now needs to create a sound business environment. Based on the project survey with existing and potential investors it was noted that there are several important areas to now consider. 63
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