Multilateral Aerospace Activities: Eurasia - Central America, High-Tech Hubs and Development slide image

Multilateral Aerospace Activities: Eurasia - Central America, High-Tech Hubs and Development

Cont Key remarks: The red line in the map, indicates the Pacific Corridor scheme and how it connects present and future activities coming from Nicaragua (where is expected to build a Canal), it cross El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. The Pacific Corridor also include countries like: Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, the United States of America. The Corridor, connects strategic ports, borders and cities, then continues its route bound to the West Cost of the United States of America (with the possible inclusion of Canada). The blue line indicates the Dry Canal initiative which has as a starting point La Union Port. The Dry Canal moves through certainly cities of El Salvador, making a "short stop" in the Port of Cortes, Honduras; then continues its route through Belize, Mexico bound to the East Cost of the United States of America (with the possible inclusion of Canada).
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