SEA Health Tech Investment Insights
Key Challenges in the Current Healthcare System
Maldistribution of
Healthcare Resources
Brain Drain
Rising Healthcare Costs
Fragmented, Inadequate
Governance Framework
Healthcare resources are heavily concentrated in the more economically developed island of Luzon
Luzon houses ~53% of the population, but has 65% of hospital beds in the Philippines
Geographically isolated and economically disadvantaged areas (e.g. in Mindanao) suffer from a shortage
of healthcare professionals and facilities - Mindanao has only one bed per 4,606 people compared to
one-per-591 in Metro Manila.
The Philippines is a major exporter of healthcare professionals (6th largest contributor of doctors and
top contributor of nurses to OECD countries), but struggles to ensure adequate availability within the
country, with an estimated shortage of 23,000 nurses in the Philippines
Push factors include low salary and poor working conditions, but tele-health offers potential to connect this
diaspora of healthcare professionals with needs back in the Philippines
Healthcare costs are rising significantly - Willis Towers Watson estimated medical costs net of general
inflation would increase by 4.9% in the Philippines in 2020
Financial protection from PhilHealth remains limited, resulting in a shift in demand towards the value
segment (both in medicines and medical equipment) to contain healthcare costs
The Philippines lacks a centralized healthcare resource allocation authority, with the public
healthcare system fragmented between the demand-side (Department of Health, local government units)
and the financing supply-side (PhilHealth), resulting in procurement inefficiencies and shortages in
medicines and equipment.
The fragmented nature of the healthcare system has resulted in inefficiencies and misallocation of resources
Sources: Various sources including WHO Asia Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; PwC ("Embracing New Healthcare
Technologies that Empower Filipinos"), Japan Times article ("Brain drain: Philippines sends nurses around the world but lacks them at home")
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