2020 Annual Report
Borrowing costs-
Borrowing costs for general and specific loans attributable to the acquisition, construction, or production of a qualifying asset
that necessarily takes a substantial period of time (12 months) to get ready for its intended use or sale are capitalized as part
of the cost of the asset Interest earned on temporary investments of the specific loan funds for the acquisition of qualifying
assets is deducted from the eligible costs to be capitalized.
The rest of the costs derived from the loans are recognized when incurred or accrued in the income statement.
Revenue recognition-
Digital telephone services
Telephone service revenue is represented by the monthly rent of said service. Monthly service payments for local calls are
recognized as revenue over time as the services are provided and during the term of the contract. The services are deemed to
have been provided when the Group transfers control over the service to a customer.
Revenue from the sale of communication systems is recognized in the income statement when control of the goods has been
transferred to the buyer and the seller retains no significant control over the goods.
Revenue derived from the provision of services in the Group's normal course of business is recognized in amount of fair
value of the consideration received or receivable. Revenue is presented net of bonuses and discounts and after eliminating
intercompany sales. The Group recognizes revenue when the parties to the contract have approved the contract, the entity
can identify the rights of each party with respect to the goods or services to be transferred, the contract has a commercial
basis and can be measured reliably, it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the entity in the future, and the
specific criteria for each type of activity are met, which are described below.
Revenue is recognized based on the nature of the commitment, within the transactions recognized by the Group, when
acting as a principal, since the Group can satisfy the performance obligation to provide the specified good or service to the
customer on its own through the different Group companies and controls the specified good or service before it is transferred
to the customer.
The services are provided in bundled packages and the transaction price is distributed using the independent relative selling
price among the following performance obligations identified:
Cable television signal services
Cable television signal services are basically represented by monthly payments, as well as installation fees and other related
charges. Monthly service payments are recognized as revenue over time as the services are provided and during the term
of the contract. The services are deemed to have been provided when the Group transfers control over the service to a
customer, which occurs when the cable television signal is transmitted. Other service revenues are recognized after the
services are accepted by the customer.
Internet services
Internet signal service is basically represented by monthly payments, as well as installation fees and other related charges.
Monthly service payments are recognized as revenue over time as the services are provided and during the term of the
contract. The services are deemed to have been provided when the Group transfers control over the service to a customer,
which occurs when the internet signal is transmitted. Installation and other related service charges are recognized as revenue
as the customer uses the services received.
The Group's cable television, internet, and digital telephone signal service revenues are reduced through discounts that
are granted to subscribers who contract "packages (Triple Pack, Double Pack)", which the Group grants its customers to
position itself in the market and to encourage the contracting of a larger number of services by subscribers as well as
attracting new ones.
Discounts are recognized as a decrease in revenue when the services have been provided, which is over time during the term
of the contract.
Installations for cable, internet, and telephone subscribers
The Group recognizes revenues from primary installations for cable, internet and/or telephone subscribers, through
the average life of subscriptions, without considering this a separate performance obligation, which is determined by
management based on the average age of subscribers.
Revenue from the sale of goods
The Group sells equipment and goods. The sale price of the goods is determined based on a fixed price agreed between
the parties. The Group recognizes revenue from the sale of goods at the time control of the goods is transferred and there
is no unfulfilled obligation that may affect the customer's acceptance of the product.
Advertising revenue
Advertising revenue is recognized when the services are provided, which is at a specific point in time. The services are
deemed to have been provided when the Group transfers control over the service to a customer, which occurs when the TV
spots are broadcast or the printed media is published.
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