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Investor Presentaiton

Third Party Funds Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority Third Party Funds Nigeria Bulk Energy Trading PLC (NBET) Debt Management Office (DMO) FGN Stabilisation Fund Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority Investment Returns Mandate Size: US$350mn In July 2014, the Federal Government of Nigeria appointed NSIA to serve as investment manager to this portion of the funds. NSIA's investment policy for the NBET Fund is similar to that of the Stabilisation Fund. The investment objective is to balance NBET's short-term liquidity needs and safety of the funds. The fund is fully invested. Mandate expires (this Month) in June 2018 Benchmark Returns: 1 Year US Treasury Yield +150BPS Actual Returns as of: о 31st December 2016: 5.42% Mandate Size: US$100mn* as NSIA was appointed to serve investment manager for US$200mn to this portion of DMO's funds for gas-to- power infrastructure projects. $100m was allocated subsequently by FGN to other projects. NSIA's investment policy with regard to the DMO Fund mirrors that of the Nigeria Infrastructure Fund. NSIA invested US$100mn in a private bond with Seven Energy to enable the completion of gas infrastructure in the South-South. Benchmark Returns: 6.875% Actual Returns as of: o 31st December 2016: 9.87% Mandate Size: NGN 14.71bn From May 2015, the Authority received 25% of funds accruing to the Federal Government of Nigeria Stabilisation Account on a regular basis for investment on its behalf. The Authority is required to invest the funds in varied financial instruments. Benchmark Returns: NIG Treasury Bills Actual Returns as of: o 31st December 2017: 10.1% o 31st December 2017: 7.54% o 31st December 2017: (7.0%)* 2. 1. NBET Funds invested under similar IPS as Stabilisation Fund DMO Funds invested under similar IPS as Infrastructure Fund. 3. FGN Stab managed per IMA 10 4. *There are currently unresolved issues with Seven Energy investment hence the negative returns
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