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Investor Presentation

We are keeping our selective and disciplined investment framework, delivering stronger returns throughout the cycle Typical metrics of project approvals¹ over the last 6 months Attractive returns Target Achieved IRR/WACC (x) >1.4 Region Technology Unlevered project IRR2 IRR-WACC (bps) >200 >9% Sound contracted profile Contracted period (years) ~15 Contracted NPV (%) >60 * 囲 edp Stronger returns and cash yields driving value accretive investments throughout the cycle >8% Higher absolute returns on higher CAPEX levels >8% Further uplift of returns provided by Asset rotation >7% strategy Clear investment framework and strong track record, maintaining our selective and disciplined approach 1. Analysis based on Wind and Solar projects in North America and Europe, with FID in 2022 and 2023. Project returns at final investment decision date, based on Build & Own to maturity (i.e., do not factor uplift from Asset rotation strategy) 2. Unlevered IRR considered in Europe; Unlevered post tax-equity IRR in North America Investors' Presentation 20
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