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Investor Presentation

Key performance indicators As of December 31, 2022, Consolidated operations consist of all locations outside of China, India, Israel and Unconsolidated Common Desk locations. 1. 25 Q4'20 Q1'21 (1) Q2'21 Q3'21 Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22 Physical Workstations (000s) Consolidated 865 804 770 766 746 746 749 756 731 Unconsolidated 166 160 168 165 166 174 172 173 175 Systemwide Total 1,030 963 937 932 912 920 922 928 906 Physical Memberships (000s) Consolidated 387 378 386 432 469 501 528 536 547 Unconsolidated 89 Systemwide Total 476 475 ཁྐྲི॰ 97 110 114 121 128 133 135 135 469 546 590 628 661 671 682 Physical Occupancy Consolidated 45% 47% 50% 56% 63% 67% 70% 71% 75% Unconsolidated 54% 61% 66% 69% 73% 73% 77% 78% 77% Systemwide Total 46% 49% 53% 59% 65% 68% 72% 72% 75% Consolidated All Access Memberships (000s) All Access & Other Legacy Memberships Israel included in Consolidated metrics through Q1'21 13 15 20 20 32 32 45 55 55 62 62 67 70 wework © 2023 WeWork
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