Renewable Diesel Market Value Proposition slide image

Renewable Diesel Market Value Proposition

$8.00 $6.00 $4.00 $2.00 $0.00 ($2.00) ($4.00) ($6.00) ($8.00) Jan-17 Apr-17 Jul-17 Oct-17 Jan-18 LA Carb Diesel 1.7 x D4 RIN Apr-18 Jul-18 Low LCFS Prices Avg Margin: $1.58/gal Source: Bloomberg, Jacobsen *BTC not prospectively in the Federal budget 2017-19 but was provided retroactively in 2020 budget, which would increase the average margin to $2.44 for the period shown. Low D4 RIN Prices: Avg Margin: $1.49/gal Oct-18 Jan-19 Apr-19 BTC Real Time Jul-19 Oct-19 LCFS No BTC: Avg Margin: $1.44/gal* "ORD MARGINS EXCEPTIONAL IN ALL REGIMES Index Based on Gross Margin Components ($/gal) Jan-20 Apr-20 Jul-20 Oct-20 Low Diesel Prices: Avg Margin: $1.86/gal $8.00 $6.00 $4.00 $2.00 $- $(2.00) $(4.00) $(6.00) $(8.00) Jan-21 Crude SBO RD Crude SBO Margin High Soybean Oil SBO Costs: Avg Margin: $1.96/gal 15 Jan-22
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