3Q20 Financial Performance slide image

3Q20 Financial Performance

BANK OF GEORGIA GROUP AT A GLANCE 11 RETAIL BANKING BANK OF GEORGIA GROUP PLC CORPORATE AND INVESTMENT BANKING WEALTH MANAGEMENT BNB (BANK IN BELARUS) BANK OF GEORGIA'S CREDIT RATINGS Outlook Agency MOODY'S Rating Ba3/Ba2 Stable Fitch Ratings BB- Negative LEADING BANKING GROUP IN GEORGIA Top Systemically important financial institution in Georgia A leading market position by assets, loans and deposits Strongest retail banking franchise: - 41% market share in deposits of individuals Most trusted bank in Georgia* Leader in payments and financial mobile app: 48% BOG share in number of transactions in POS terminals c. 6mln transactions in mobile app per month Sustainable high profitability with average ROAE of more than 20% over the last four years Resilient credit profile: Well-capitalised, diversified and high quality loan book and strong liquidity profile High standards of transparency and governance: The first entity from Georgia listed on the premium segment of the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange (LSE:BGEO) since February 2012. LSE listed through GDRs since 2006 The Group continues to be included in the global responsible investment index FTSE4Good * Based on MAY-20 external research by IPM Georgia
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