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Investor Presentaiton

PI EXTERNAL CONSOLIDATED Out-performance continued in Q4'FY21... Revenue up by 40%, EBITDA up by 22%.. PAT up by 62% YoY Fig in Crores Q4FY20 Q4FY21 % YOY Revenue 855 1,197 40% Gross Margin 47% 42% (470) bps Overheads 214 277 29% EBITDA 187 227 22% EBITDA as % Revenue 22% 19% (290) bps Net Profit 111 180 62% 683 47% 11 % 1006 172 191 227 187 22% 62% 180 111 ✓ 40% YoY revenue growth driven by.. Pi Inspired by Science ✓ ~47% growth in Exports contributed by Strong Volume growth in key products ✓ ~11% growth in Domestic in line with the business plan. Newly acquired Isagro registered impressive 51% YoY revenue growth ✓ Gross Profit improved by 26% YoY driven by higher revenue. Overall Gross Margin however softened on account of change in sales mix & reduced MEIS benefits ✓ EBITDA improved by 22% YoY due to higher revenue although the quarterly margin %age softened mainly on account of reduced gross margin despite operating leverage benefit ✓ Net profit improved by 62% YoY due to operationalization of new SEZ unit and reduced ETR ✓ Board recommends final dividend of Rs. 2/-Share EXPORTS DOMESTIC Q4FY20 Q4FY21 Q4 & FY21 Earnings Presentation EBITDA Q4FY20 PAT Q4FY21 3
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