Analyst and Investor Call Presentation - 3M 2022 slide image

Analyst and Investor Call Presentation - 3M 2022

KPIs 3M 2022 ■ 26.85 million customer contracts: +170,000 in the first 3 months 2022 Revenues and earnings figures (in € million) Revenues EBITDA (1) EBIT (1) EBT (1)(2) EPS (1)(2) (in €) EPS (12) before PPA (in €) 3M 2021 3M 2022 Change 1,392.2 1,443.7 +3.7% 311.9 329.2 +5.5% 196.0 209.4 +6.8% 195.7 192.4 -1.7% 0.58 0.55 -5.2% 0.68 0.65 -4.4% ■ EBITDA (1) and EBIT (1) operative 3M 2022 including: ■ € -8.3 million from 1&1 mobile network rollout expenses (prior year: € -7.2 million) ■ € -6.0 million from additional marketing activities to increase the IONOS brand awareness (1) EBITDA / EBIT / EBT operative w/o non-period € 34.4 million from revised Telefonica conditions in 2021 (EPS effect € 0.10 in Q1 2021) and w/o non-cash valuation effect from derivatives (€ +0.2 million in Q1 2021, € +0.8 million in Q1 2022) (2) incl. a worsened financial result (in particular due to the subsequent valuation of financial derivatives) and the worsened result from companies accounted at-equity (in particular as a result of the negative contribution to earnings from the Kublai investment (investment since Q2 2021, indirect holdings in Tele Columbus), which was not yet included in the comparative figures for Q1 2021) 2 Analyst and Investor Call Presentation - 3M 2022 May 12, 2022 united internet
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