Optimizing Exploration and Development Opportunities slide image

Optimizing Exploration and Development Opportunities

Brazil is taking a leading role in the E&P sector 2021 Forecast 10th Crude Oil producer (BP Statistical Review 2020) Production: Reserves: 3M Bpd of oil production (April 2021) 12B Bbl in proved oil reserves (Dec 2020) 93 E&P company groups, 50% foreign (May 2021) 131M M³ of gas production (April 2021) 337B M³ in proved gas reserves (Dec 2020) Potential to reach more than 5 million oil bpd in 2030 (EPE) Potential to be the 5th Largest crude oil exporter in 2030 (EPE) 50 Billion dollars (Investments Forecast 2021 - 2025) anp
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