Group Financial Results H1 2016 slide image

Group Financial Results H1 2016

Asset Quality- 90+ DPD analysis (€ mn) Jun - 16 Mar-16 Dec-15 Sept-15 Jun-15 A. Gross Loans after Fair value on Initial recognition 20.040 20.719 21.385 21.597 22.575 Fair value on Initial recognition 1.043 1.130 1.207 1.266 1.351 B. Gross Loans 21.083 21.849 22.592 22.863 23.926 B1. Loans with no arrears 10.879 10.551 10.443 9.925 10.178 B2. Loans with arrears but not impaired 2.607 2.901 3.049 3.611 4.105 Up to 30 DPD 574 623 469 585 668 31-90 DPD 361 386 351 355 435 91-180 DPD 121 133 144 200 227 + + + 181-365 DPD Over 1 year DPD 175 183 259 374 529 1.376 1.576 1.826 2.097 2.246 + B3. Impaired Loans 7.597 8.397 9.100 9.327 9.644 With no arrears Up to 30 DPD 31-90 DPD 91-180 DPD 647 860 876 848 969 25 36 78 66 91 41 57 24 60 121 95 49 65 152 167 181-365 DPD 123 157 310 464 489 Over 1 year DPD 6.666 7.238 7.747 7.737 7.807 (90+ DPD) 1 9.269 10.289 11.329 11.998 12.646 90+ DPD ratio (90 + DPD / Gross Loans) 44,0% 47,1% 50,1% 52,5% 52,9% Accumulated provisions 4.875 5.076 5.445 4.933 5.381 Gross loans provision coverage 23,1% 23,2% 24,1% 21,6% 22,5% 90+ DPD provision coverage 52,6% 49,3% 48,1% 41,1% 42,5% (1) Loans in arrears for more than 90 days (90+ DPD) are defined as loans past-due for more than 90 days and those that are impaired (impaired loans are those which are not considered fully collectable and for which a provision for impairment has been recognised on an individual basis or for which incurred losses exist at their initial recognition or customers in Debt Recovery). Bank of Cyprus KOINO KYMPI 43
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