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Investor Presentaiton

Emirates NBD Profile Operating Environment Q4-15 Financial Results Highlights Highlights • • Net profit of AED 2,134 Mn for Q4-15 improved 74% y-o-y and 28% q-o-q Net interest income improved 8% y-o-y due to loan growth and 3% q-o-q due to loan growth coupled with a slight widening in margins Non-interest income improved 30% y-o-y and 39% q-o-q due to growth in core fee income coupled with some one-off gains from the sale of investments and other income. Costs increased 15% y-o-y and 21% q-o-q due to staff costs linked with changing business volumes, and an increase in marketing costs in Q4 as we prepared to hit the ground running in 2016 Provisions of AED 599 Mn improved 49% y-o-y and 27% q-o-q as cost of risk improved for the 6th consecutive quarter AD ratio of 94.2% improved 1% y-o-y and 3% q-o-q despite tighter market liquidity conditions demonstrating strong structural liquidity NPL ratio improved to 7.1% with strong coverage NIMS widened in Q4-15 by 7bp q-o-q to 2.82% as Treasury was able to profitably deploy excess liquidity at attractive yields. This, coupled with a widening in deposit spreads, more than offset the impact of rising EIBOR rates on loan spreads Appendix Strategy Financial & Operating Performance Emirates NBD Key Performance Indicators AED Mn Q4-15 Q4-14 Better / (Worse) Q3-15 Better / (Worse) Net interest income 2,669 2,473 8% 2,591 3% Non-interest income 1,404 1,082 30% 1,009 39% Total income 4,073 3,555 15% 3,600 13% Operating expenses (1,357) (1,177) (15%) (1,126) (21%) Pre-impairment 2,716 2,378 14% 2,474 10% operating profit Impairment allowances Operating profit Share of profits from associates Taxation charge Net profit (599) (1,163) 49% (822) 27% 2,117 1,214 74% 1,652 28% 53 51 4% 39 37% (36) (39) 7% (18) (103%) 2,134 1,226 74% 1,673 28% Cost: income ratio (%) Net interest margin (%) 33.3% 2.82% 33.1% (0.2%) 31.3% (2.0%) 2.91% (0.09%) 2.75% 0.07% AED Bn 31-Dec-15 31-Dec-14| % 30-Sep-15 % Total assets Loans 406.6 363.0 12% 390.4 4% 270.6 246.0 10% 261.6 3% Deposits 287.2 258.3 11% 269.3 7% AD ratio (%) 94.2% 95.2% 1.0% 97.2% 3.0% NPL ratio (%) 7.1% 7.9% 0.8% 7.1% 0.0% 14
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