South Gobi and Indomet Coal Asset Strategic Overview slide image

South Gobi and Indomet Coal Asset Strategic Overview

SOUTH GOBI PROJECT NOYON BASIN - MULTIPLE MINING AND EXPLORATION LICENCES The South Gobi Project comprises contiguous mining and exploration licenses covering 696 sq km in the Noyon Coal Basin . c.850 km southwest of Ulaanbaatar 140 km from the Chinese border coal station of Ceke South Gobi Project JORC Resources* Total Measured Indicated Inferred North 15 Mt 9 Mt 3 Mt 27 Mt East 41 Mt 41 Mt 15 Mt 15 Mt Total 15 Mt 9 Mt 59 Mt 83Mt KS • Connects by road and rail to northern Chinese steel producers • Potential link to seaborne market There are currently three primary groups of mining licenses: • • North: 100% owned, comprising mining, pre mining and exploration licenses East: 83.9% owned, comprising mining and pre-mining licenses Khar Servegen (KS): 100% owned, comprising mining and exploration licences Location op ULAANBAATAR Major paved road (border to Narlin Sukhait 40kms, unpaved) Minor unpaved road Railway Railway approved by Government or being built MONGOLIA Middle Gobi Project Sabarahand Nur Shait South Gobi Project O Dalandadgad Taran Tolgol Oy Tolgot Tsagaan Tolgo Gants Mod Ceke Bay OO Baotou Eri Q Linha Chi Wuhel Sheny TonChine Bilway CHINA Erechot Jungar Shoutou Dallong Tar o Hugh Harbou BEING Pater BOHA GULF (to Pacific Ocean) 27 TERRACOM Note*: no change to this information from previous disclosures and see competent person statement at end of presentation
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