Investor Presentaiton
Cooperativism is in Italy strong as a result of a long lived historical tradition and of a post World War
II legislation which supports coops, starting from article 45 of the Constitution.
Among the causes of the particularly successful performance of Emilia-Romagna coops, the most
important one is a culture of the work place as a place of collaboration and shared responsibility.
This has led to a refusal by the people of the region to be recruited in anonymous big corporations,
producing standardized goods and services.
Not being able to reap economies of scale as a result of the limited size of companies, the Emilia-
Romagna enterprises had to resort to other advantages: developing high quality products and
services, becoming skilled in customizing products and in servicing clients, building tight networks
of companies servicing each other, activating associations and common services at various levels.
These are the very reasons why cooperatives are among the largest companies in the region: to work
for a large cooperative is not the same as working for a large capitalist enterprise.View entire presentation