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Investor Presentaiton

Fighting COVID-19 Although the effects of the health crisis subsided over the course of 2021, Votorantim maintained most of its initiatives to support communities in addition to investing in new ones, such as Tele ICU and Support for Public Health Management (AGP, for its initials in Portuguese), conducted together with the Brazilian National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES, for its initials in Portuguese). Tele ICU benefited hospitals in 12 municipalities. Through this project, doctors from BP-A Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo participated, virtually and in real time, in the daily visits to patients in intensive care, exchanging knowledge and sharing solutions with the local doctors caring for them. This not only provided better care to the patients but also helped develop the healthcare professionals in these towns. The AGP program offered technical mentoring to healthcare teams in the 40 municipalities where the portfolio companies operate and in another 40 locations selected through a public call for proposals carried out in partnership with BNDES. The objective was to provide support to improve skills and management processes to help fight COVID-19 and offer comprehensive healthcare. During the year, the Municipal Vulnerability Index (IVM, for its initials in Portuguese) was also updated to identify locations with high levels of vulnerability to enable not only the proper allocation of resources, but also the design of more successful strategies to fight the pandemic. In 2021, the construction of vaccine plants in the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, a project that had received financial support from Votorantim in 2020, was also completed. instituto VOTORANTIM The Votorantim Institute, a center for intelligence applied to social and environmental issues, revised its strategy in 2021. The objective was to align with the challenges of the portfolio companies and leverage business opportunities to create impact. In addition, the institute started to provide other organizations with products and services that had already been developed to serve the portfolio companies. In 2021, the institute continued to create value for the portfolio by developing ESG strategies for CBA, Nexa, and Citrosuco, including the development of sustainable suppliers. It also created an impact strategy for the Associação de Assistência à Criança Deficiente (AACD), an organization supported by the Family Board. One of the highlights was the launch of iV Ventures, an impact fund with resources raised by the Votorantim Institute and the portfolio companies that will be allocated to the identification of early-stage solutions developed by start-ups in the area of low carbon economy, water and sanitation, and social housing. Visit the Votorantim Institute website Visit the iV Ventures website Visit the IVM website 30
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