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Investor Presentaiton

TOP MANAGEMENT INCENTIVE SCHEMES FOR EXECUTIVE MEMBERS, AROUND 2/3 OF TOTAL REMUNERATION IS VARIABLE AND PERFORMANCE DRIVEN, WITH NON-FINANCIAL KPIS INCLUDING GHG GOAL ALSO INCLUDED SHORT-TERM INCENTIVES ► Bonus opportunity between 0.70x and 1x of annual base salary, depending on the job level (Hay grades) ► Payout linked to yearly performance based on financial, operational and individual measures: Financial measures: MOL Group level EBITDA and other relevant financial indicators such as efficiency, investment and cost-related indicators to achieve the 2030 strategic targets of MOL Group for Chief Executives' Committee members, on operative and financial measures reflecting annual priorities and the strategic direction of each business division within the framework of the Group's long-term strategy ▸ Non-financial measures: Safety included as a number one Group priority (TRIR), GHG emission target is included as of 2024 ► In MOL Hungary, managers can enter a voluntary short-term share ownership program instead of the regular performance management system (bonus scheme) to further strengthen the alignment between the interest of our shareholders LONG-TERM INCENTIVE ► As of 1 January, 2021 a new, simple long-term incentive program, the Restricted Share Plan was launched replacing the former Absolute Share Value Based and Relative Market Index Based Plans ► It's a 3-year long plan, payment is in the 4th year, starts each year ► Base entitlement is defined MOL shares in line with management level ▸ The program is performance driven: base entitlement is multiplied by company performance (MOL Clean CCS EBITDA without threshold) and individual performance up to 150%) of the 1st year of the program ► Dividend equivalent is also incorporated into the final remuneration taking closer the executives to the shareholders interests ► Generally, in MOL Hungary, payout of the incentive is due in MOL shares in order to further strengthen the alignment between the interest of our shareholders and MOL management. 28% 40% 44% C-CEO 28% G-CEO REMUNERATION MIX 30% 30% 32% 32% 35% 41% D-CEO G-CFO 41% Other executives 30% 35% Base Salary 27% 27% Short Term Incentives Long Term Incentives We refer to the members of the Chief Executives' Committee and Management Committee as Executive Members. In case of long-term incentive the ratio of this remuneration element is calculated with the average MOL share price of year 2023 MOLGROUP | 62
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